Sunday 16 June 2013

KATO ' S Level Reviews - Contrast

by Ali-Star/alistair26

All righty I admit I couldn't make it through this one , but I still feel justified because my friends are all terrible people who would never have gotten as far as I did . XD Contrast is what I like to call a Keanu Reeves level . It's got style , many people think its sexy , and if you don't go 'Whoah' at least once , you're out of the club . Here my 'whoah' moment was when I pressed L1 and proceeded to 'flip' out over what happened .

The idea with contrast is that you have two workable platforming spaces . A white half, and a black half , and you can 'flip' between the two to solve puzzles and find new platforming solutions . The technology for this is great . I wasn't able to figure out how its done . I have my theory , but I'd rather not know for sure . Anyway ...

The goal is to navigate a number of rooms this way , jumping from entrance door to exit , and occasionally using icons to affect the level , such as making blocks vanish , or platforms flip . However , problems arose for me when the difficulty ramped up extremely quickly . After the first three level I was sweating to finish . But then out of nowhere it got uncannily easy again . Then uncannily hard . Then easy . Then hard . Then even harder . It was a jarring 'contrast' if you don't mind me saying .

I had to call it quits in the first 'spike wall room' where you jump from pillar to pillar , wall to wall , and eventually end up on the ceiling . The platforms on the ceiling were very prickly , and rendered me incapable of jumping at their edges , making the jumps up there even harder . I only ever got to the switch once before dying . It grated on my patience because a lot of the jumps are really very hard , and not just in single spots , but everywhere . And if the game won't let you edge jump, then its just not being fair .

I did save a sticker , so perhaps I could beat it later on the first try . We'll see . Overall its a persistent marvel of sparse decor and immense challenge . It put me in mind of portal a fair bit , but with no gun . I think my biggest problem is just my tastes as a player . I didn't really like Contrast , but I really can't tell you why . It had a unique concept , creative solutions , bizarre and imaginative gameplay , and a fun visual style . And I can't rightly blame difficulty as a reason for not liking a level . That's never a valid answer . I guess it is the only answer. It was like having an adorable , bi-polar kitten who loves you , and licks you , and wants pettings , then out of nowhere eats your face off . You have fun playing with it as long as you remember in a moments notice it's going to re-enact a Vin Diesel film on your sense of self-worth .

So I guess my complaint is not the difficulty , but the sine wave of it therein which starts low , then raises high , then low again, and repeats . I was left boggled over one long jump I had to make , and was shocked I made it at all after 20 tries , only to reach the next level and be done in 15 seconds . It's like living with Two-Face !


Navigation – Some great and creative navigation with the color area switching . Some solutions took me a bit to figure out. However , some of the spikes are painfully inconvenient .

Visual – The level theme IS the visual style , and it works well. I like how your sack switches between planes .

Sound – Okay the music grated on my a little . It was all right at first, but after the hundredth repeat it grated my nerves trying to get pits to behave .

Gadgetry – Incredible gadgetry . Very unusual and very fun. Great stuff .

Glitches - No major glitches I noticed, or was aware of .

Story – N/A

Notes – Thank you for the sticker system . D: We need it !

Level Review by Kato

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